If you are wondering what the answer to the question ‘what is a fit to fly antigen test’ is, you have come to the right place.
Before you travel to another country, you may need to present proof of a negative Covid-19 test before you catch your flight and enter the country.
A rapid antigen test is a type of self-test Covid test. The test works by checking for the presence of viral antigens, which are present in a person who has Covid-19. It works, regardless of your vaccination status, or whether or not you have symptoms.
The fit to fly antigen test generates the result rapidly, usually under 30 minutes. This rapid turnaround makes it ideal for testing for Covid-19 before travelling abroad.
Taking a fit to fly antigen test is much quicker than taking a PCR test, where the result takes up to 24 hours to arrive. Antigen tests also have the added bonus of being processed on site without the need for laboratory equipment.
What is a Fit to Fly Antigen Test?

At Official Rapid Tests, we sell a Covid-19 Rapid Antigen Test and Certificate for Travel, which is accepted by countries such as Spain, Italy, France, Germany and Greece.
We guarantee your results within 15 minutes of taking the Rapid Antigen Test, or your money back.
Upon receiving a negative result for your rapid antigen test, you will also receive your doctor-signed Certificate for Travel to the EU, UK, and all major travel destinations.
This test can be used for pre-departure testing. It is your responsibility to check and make sure you comply with the government requirements.
Ordering rapid antigen tests from us is sure to save you the hassle if you are going on holiday with a large group. We are a suited testing provider for group travellers and families who are wanting to purchase more than one pre-departure rapid test.
Order multiple tests in one order to save time and guarantee your travel plans.
Take our fit-to-fly rapid antigen test by using these 4 simple steps:
- Order as many tests as you require
- Tests arrive to a UK address via Royal Mail Next-Day Delivery (as long as you order before 4pm on weekdays), with FREE shipping included.
- Use a smartphone or computer to upload a photo of your test and passport to our portal for results within 15 minutes.
- Your results and Certification are emailed to you securely. The Certificate is signed and verified by our doctors within 15 minutes.
How is a Fit to Fly Antigen Test different to a PCR test?
Our PCR test provides you the result within 24 hours. Whereas, our rapid antigen test provides you the result within 15 minutes.
Are instructions provided with fit-to-fly Covid test kits?
Yes, we send you an email with detailed instructions on how to take the Covid test and how to send it back to us for analysis. The process is very easy to follow and can be used by people of all ages. We have designed the process for ease of use.
We generally send out result certificates within 15 minutes. If you haven't received your certificate within a few hours of uploading results, please check your "spam" or "junk" mailbox before contacting us.
Do not eat or drink for at least 30 minutes before taking a Covid-19 test. This will reduce the risk of spoiling the test.
To take a rapid antigen test from your nose:
Not all rapid antigen tests are the same. E.g. some test kits come with the tube and liquid in separate parts. So, always read the instructions on the box or leaflet before you do the test.
Start by washing your hands and grabbing a watch or timer.
In the test kit, there should be a:
- White strip which shows you the test result
- A long stick with 1 soft end (swab)
- A tube with liquid inside
- A lid for the tube
- Take the long stick (swab) out of the packet. Do not touch the soft part at the end of the stick.
- Put the soft part of the stick up your nose.
- Put if all the way up until you feel it touch the back of your nose.
- Keep moving the stick around in your nose.
- Count to 15 slowly.
- When the stick is in your nose, you can press on the side of your nose.
- Use the soft end of the same stick for the other side of your nose.
- When you are done, put the stick into the tube.
- Stir the stick in the tube 10 times.
- Gently squeeze the sides of the tube together 10 times.
- Take the stick out of the tube.
- Put the cap tightly on the tube.
- Squeeze 3 or 4 drops of liquid onto the tiny circle on your white strip.
- Set your timer or watch to the time that the box says (this could be 10, 15 or 20 minutes).
- When the time is up, check the strip to see what it says. Only read the strip at that time and not later. It might be incorrect then.
How to read the test strip
If you see a line next to the letter C, this means your test is negative, so you do not have Covid-19.
If you see a line next to the letter C, and a line next to the letter T, then this means your test is positive. You do have Covid-19. This line could be very faint.
If you see no lines at all, or only 1 line next to the letter T, then your test is void. You will need to do another test.
When you have finished, put everything in the bin and wash your hands again.
Clean the surface where you took the test.
Always re-test yourself if you still display Covid-19 symptoms.
What should I NOT do when taking a fit to fly antigen test?
- Never take a Covid test without washing or thoroughly sanitising your hands.
- Never stick a swab in your mouth after using it already in your nostrils.
- Do not reuse the same Covid test kit more than once.
- Do not leave used swabs lying around, always dispose of these properly.
- Always use a separate test kit for each person.
- After you have squeezed the liquid onto the white test strip, do not leave the liquid on there for longer than the waiting time specified. This could affect the result.
How to do a Covid test on a child or vulnerable person
- Always read the instructions on the manual beforehand.
- Wash your hands.
- Make sure your child does not touch or play with any of the test kit materials.
- Stay calm and be gently assertive.
- Reassure the child if they feel uncomfortable or distressed. Give them a teddy bear to hold, play some relaxing music they like, or sing a song to them.
- Try to slow the child’s breathing by counting to 10.
- Don’t rush the process. Pause if the child needs to sneeze or starts crying.
- Get the child or person to open their mouth wide and say ‘ahhh’.
- Don’t use harsh momvements when swabbing inside the child’s nostrils and mouth harshly. Be very gentle and careful.
- Put the child at ease and speak to them in soothing tones if they need comforting.
- Dispose of the test materials as soon as you have finished using them.
- Wash your hands afterwards.
When should I take an at-home rapid antigen test?
- If you have any Covid-19 symptoms
- If you were exposed to someone with Covid-19
- If you are about to travel abroad
- If you are going to an indoor event or gathering
Self-testing for Covid-19 is especially important before gathering with individuals at risk of severe disease, older adults, those who are immunocompromised, or people who are not up to date on their Covid-19 vaccines, including children who cannot get vaccinated yet.
Official Rapid Tests is a trusted global supplier for Covid testing. We are the highest-rated UK Government listed provider on Trustindex.
All Official Rapid Tests are verified by the EU and the UK Government. We work with qualified front line doctors and tech experts to come up with the most convenient testing solutions for travel. We blend technology and medical expertise to offer the fastest and most convenient PCR testing service on the market!
If you are not sure which Covid test you need, take our Quiz on our webpage here, and this will tell you which type of Covid test is suitable.
Now you know the answer to the question ‘what is a fit to fly antigen test’, buy our Covid-19 Fit to Fly PCR Rapid Antigen Test for travel here.
Find out more about Official Rapid Tests by browsing our website here.
We have over 120 clinics nationwide where you can get a Covid test. Find your nearest test centre by clicking here.
We are open 24/7, seven days a week.
Read more articles on travelling and Covid tests on our blog here.