If you're concerned that you have low testosterone levels and you aren't sure what to do about it, the answer is ordering a testosterone levels test that you can do in the comfort of your own home. Testosterone is an important hormone for both males and females and an imbalance can have an impact on your overall health so it's crucial that you investigate it if you are suffering from any of the symptoms mentioned in this article.
In this post, you will find out all about what testosterone is, signs of low testosterone, how an at-home test works and other useful information.
What is testosterone?
Testosterone is a fundamental hormone for men that affects sexual ability, bone and muscle strength, energy levels and brain function, so it's pretty important. It is the primary male sex hormone and plays a vital part in developing male reproductive tissue. Naturally, testosterone decreases as men age, especially between the 40s and 50s.
Many people don't know this, but women have testosterone too. It plays a vital role in women's health and, just as it does with men, decreases with age, especially during menopause. Women can experience fatigue, low mood and reduced sex drive to name just a few when their testosterone and oestrogen levels begin to decrease.
You might be wondering if low testosterone can cause infertility in males. Low testosterone can have an impact on male fertility indirectly, as it can reduce the production of sperm, but not always.
What is low testosterone?
Testosterone is considered low when it is below the expected level. In medical terms, it is commonly referred to as low T, and medical professionals call low testosterone levels hypogonadism. It is a condition in which the testicles don’t produce the normal testosterone level.
Signs you have low testosterone levels
If you are experiencing any of these signs it doesn't necessarily mean you have low testosterone levels, but a combination of these could be a good indication that you do. It's important to take a testosterone test so you can find out if you do have low levels of the hormone in your body so you can take action against it to improve your overall health.
- Reduced muscle mass
- Reduced bone mass
- Reduced sex drive
- A decrease in energy levels
- An increase in body fat
- Hair loss
- Erectile dysfunction
- Testicle size
- Reduction in the amount of semen
- Decrease in sperm concentration
- Difficulty sleeping
- Mood changes
Lifestyle changes that can increase testosterone levels
There are many reasons that contribute towards low testosterone levels and here are just some of them:
- Age
- Alcohol consumption
- Obesity
- Smoking
- Chronic drug use
- Testicular cancer
- Early or later puberty
- Kidney disease
- Diabetes
- Stress
- Injury to the testicles
- Medications
- Cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation.
As you can see from this list, there are some things you can do yourself, without needing treatment, to increase your testosterone levels. Living a healthy lifestyle, reducing your alcohol intake, eating healthy foods and getting exercise all contribute towards healthy hormone levels.
Address any underlying medical conditions causing low testosterone levels and check the medication you're taking as some can cause low testosterone levels or low sperm count. Speak to a doctor if you’re concerned that your medication is causing low fertility when trying for a baby.
Testosterone replacement therapy
Testosterone replacement therapy is a treatment offered to eligible males with low testosterone that can be extremely effective in reducing the symptoms of low testosterone. It does, however, come with various risks and side effects, and it’s important to note that it is not recommended for men trying to conceive because it can have the reverse effect on sperm concentration.
Here are some side effects of having testosterone replacement therapy:
- Sleep problems
- Causing acne prostate growth
- Breast growth
- Limited sperm production
- Increased likelihood of a blood clot
If you’re curious about trying testosterone replacement therapy, speak to your doctor about the risks and benefits of it. Your doctor will check your testosterone before recommending the treatment.
At-home testosterone test in the UK

Is it possible to test your testosterone levels? Yes! You can even do it yourself in the comfort of your own home with our testosterone blood test.
Our testosterone blood test is one of the best ways of being able to measure the testosterone levels in your body. This is essential for explaining symptoms related to low energy and muscle loss, and this is important for understanding your health and well-being in the future.
Another option is to order our advanced testosterone blood test. This blood test is a great way of being able to trace the volume of testosterone that can bind freely in your body. This allows you to keep your health and wellness on point and can come with a lot of key benefits at the same time as well.
Our advanced test checks for testosterone levels, albumin and the sex hormone binding globulin.
When to take a testosterone blood test
Testosterone levels are best tested in the morning as they decrease throughout the day; the blood sample for a testosterone test is best collected between 6 and 10 am for the most reliable results. In some cases, you’ll be advised to fast for several hours before you take the test, which is easiest done first thing in the morning, but you should consult your doctor or the instructions in the home test before taking the test.
How it works
It's simple!
- Order online. Order your test kit online and receive it the very next day with our free delivery.
- Take your sample. Collect your simple home health test sample and mail it to a certified lab with prepaid shipping.
- Your results are ready! Within days you'll receive reviewed digital results and useful insights on our secure platform.
Reasons why you should order an at-home testosterone test
Testing for low testosterone isn’t going to get rid of your symptoms but it will give you a good indication as to whether it is low testosterone that is causing your discomfort or infertility problems.
It is estimated that around 40% of men have low testosterone levels over the age of 45, but men younger than this age can also suffer from low testosterone levels too. If you want to know if you’re affected by it this is why you should order a test for your own peace of mind.
Having the right levels of testosterone in your body is essential for many reasons, and having low levels can contribute to health concerns. This is why it is so important to take one of our tests and make sure you understand what is involved in helping to maintain high testosterone levels.
This is imperative for correct bodily function in men and contributes to many of the core elements of masculine development, such as muscle mass, bone density, regulates libido, and helps with fat distribution.
Official Rapid Tests: Who are we?
Official Rapid Tests was set up by a team of medical industry experts, with a combined experience of 40 years in the testing, diagnostic and medical services sector.
Our founders identified that there was a lack of fast, reliable and affordable COVID testing solutions in the UK, especially for private travel testing. Tackling this problem was the foundation on which Official Rapid Tests were born.
We offer a range of tests on our website for both men and women, so you can learn more about your health, improve your health and have fewer visits to the doctor. We offer menopause, ovulation, pregnancy, male fertility tests and so much more. For more health tests, look on our website.
Now you know all about testosterone and how it can impact your overall health order yours today for fast results and for peace of mind.